Friday, January 17, 2014

A little bit about myself

So I figured it might be best if I told you all a little about myself. And no, this isn't just a re-hash of what's written over on the "About Me" section. This, instead, is a story to kind of give you an idea of what this whole blog thing will be about.

I've always been a deep sleeper. ALWAYS. My mother said she tried to make us this way on purpose - vacuuming during nap time, playing music before bed, etc. To this day, I can still pretty much sleep through anything, including my roommate crawling onto the couch I am sleeping on, leaning her body over me, and unplugging her computer cord that was plugged in behind the couch. Seriously. This happened. I have no recollection of it at all.

However, I think this trait (we won't call it a virtue or a fault, this is a judgement-free-zone) is best epitomized by an experience that occurred when I was roughly 10 years old.

I've always loved Christmas - the lights, the merriment, the copious amounts of baked goods and hot chocolate. My family has always gone all out on Christmas, and we've had long-standing traditions that we follow pretty much ever year. One of these traditions is one I still do to this day even though I'm technically living on my own - after the Christmas tree is set up, we (me and my sisters) would sleep out in the living room, under the glow of the newly decorated tree. It was basically magical.

This specific year we bought our tree from the local Boy Scout troop. They delivered it, all bundled and pretty to our house and we set it up. Dad put on the lights, mom put on the bows, daughters put on their specific ornaments (rocking horses, for me). Then the parents went to bed while we girls settled in for a snooze with visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads.

I remember groggily coming to at some point in the night to my sister's hysteria and then I think I remember my parents coming out from their bedroom. Either way, I didn't find anything concerning about this and promptly fell back asleep, not to stir until the morning.

I found out when I awoke what the hullabaloo was about. Apparently the tree, which had been bound with twine for easier carrying, had relaxed during the night, slowly pushing against the wall until it's center of gravity resulted in it falling over. Onto my sleeping body.

That's right. A fully decorated Christmas tree fell on top of me. And I didn't even register it. Now, it only fell on me from the knees down. I would like to think that were it to have fallen over a larger portion of me I might have been concerned enough to actually wake up. However, as it was, I had no recollection about it, nor was I bothered enough by it when it was on top of me to even pop onto my radar.

All I'm hoping is that if there were a fire, I'd be more aware of it than a 6 foot decorated Christmas tree.

This is my life.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I've been told by many people I'm funny. I don't really think this is true. I'd say I'm probably closer to being mildly entertaining, which is actually a very different thing from being funny.

I won't even take credit for me being entertaining. I think a large part of that entertainment factor comes from the random things that happen to me in my life. I don't necessarily think of them as being outrageously ridiculous. I mean, they're pretty ridiculous, don't get me wrong. But over the years I think I've convinced myself that they happen to everyone, I'm just able to see the humor in them instead of embarrassment or frustration. Because of this, I'm more willing to share them with the world than other people are, and people find those stories entertaining.

Why does this matter, and why am I rambling on? (I know you were thinking it. It's okay, I was too). It matters because that's why I'm here; after the prodding and encouragement of several friends, I've decided to share the ridiculous situations in my life with the hope that it might entertain you and possibly make you feel a little better about your life - mainly that what happened to me didn't happen to you. And, I suppose, it's here to help you identify your own ridiculous situations so you can laugh at them, then share that laughter with others.

When life gets a little non-ridiculous, I may pull back to a few months or years in the past to find some good stories to share with the hope that they may brighten your week. Don't worry, there are definitely some gems there; good ones that were ridiculous enough that they have stood the test of time.

So stay tuned, and enjoy! Here's to the embarrassing, ridiculous, completely nonsensical, entertaining things we find in our lives.
